Exploring Relationships at Different Chakra Levels (Part Two)

Awareness Together

When sexuality starts in the fourth chakra, rather than the second chakra, it’s coming from a place of compassionate awareness, so that you and the other person are sharing an awareness together. An awareness where we recognize ourselves behind the form of our sexuality and you are not just having sex with a projection of your fantasy life, which is very common to many people.

Nor is it a form of sexuality where you are identifying with being the seeker of gratification, which often comes with a flicker of guilt and concern to gratify the other.  When you can slow down enough and not be so busy identifying, there is an incredibly open space for consciousness to flow because at that point your models are very loosely held. You are very open and you can effectively use the inherent mechanism of sexuality to open your awareness.

Unfortunately, most of our relationships get stuck in the domain of power, which is the third chakra, the domain of ego power. Here there is a subtle struggle to see whose reality will win. The struggle between two separate entities, both attached to their separate identities, both attempting to reach heaven while holding on to their separateness as they know it. So they manipulate the universe around them, as well as everybody in it, to fit their model of what heaven is like.

The fourth chakra is where it starts to get interesting, where you’re starting to see behind the veils, and you play out an incredible dance with the lover and you can have wonderful second chakra experiences and great third chakra dynamics and the fourth chakra stuff is starting to happen and you say, “You’re here. I’m here. Here we are, far out.”

Into The Fifth Chakra

The fifth chakra is another kind of relationship, it’s the relationship between the bhakta and God only. There is a beautiful image to illustrate this from the Ramayana, when Sita has been stolen by Ravana, the bad guy, and he’s trying to seduce her but she is God’s wife. She’s making it with the Universe. And here’s this guy with ten heads and twenty arms, they’re all very handsome and I’m sure he would be able to make great love but they’re all nothing compared to God. So Sita says, ‘Making love to you rather than making love to Ram is like the reflection of the moon in a small dish of water, it’s nothing compared to the moon… it’s like the difference between a mosquito and an elephant.’ Ravana did not take kindly to these images, because he was stuck in the third chakra, ego power, where he was playing out that part.

So, because we are very human, we start with what we’ve got. And one of the things we’ve got is heart and through the heart is the form of loving. Now, it’s a tricky one because you can’t manufacture it. Here is one of my favorite quotes from Meher Baba:

“Love has to spring spontaneously from within. It is in no way amenable to any form of inner or outer coercion. Love and coercion can never go together. Love can never be forced on anyone. It can be awakened in her or him through love itself. Love is essentially self communicative. Those who do not have it catch it from those who have it.

True love is unconquerable and irresistible and it goes on gathering power and spreading itself until eventually it transforms everyone whom it touches.”

Read Part One of this two-part piece.

Photo by Anni Roenkae from Pexels

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