Women’s Satsang: Chants & Stories By the Puja Table with Shyama Chapin
Online(NOTE: In April, we are meeting a week later than normal - on the 4th Sunday of the month) April ...
(NOTE: In April, we are meeting a week later than normal - on the 4th Sunday of the month) April ...
"Until we're resting in the place that doesn't change, we'll be afraid of the place that does." – Ram Dass ...
With warm, lively, often humorous anecdotes, advice, and lessons, Nancy Slonim Aronie will share her unique approach to creative writing ...
Each day, as division and violence seem to be more commonplace around the world, it is abundantly clear that we ...
Step into the extraordinary with our free community gatherings, where we explore the pivotal movements in the psychedelic renaissance while ...
The "Make it Sacred" Mental Health Professionals satsang is specifically for those who want to explore the teachings of Ram ...
“If you try to dilettante your way through, it doesn’t work. You’ve got to become ‘a meditator.’ But if you ...
Dear Wonderful Women, As we celebrate four beautiful years of our gathering, I am delighted to extend a heartfelt invitation ...
Ram Dass has mentioned his disembodied friend Emmanuel numerous times throughout his many teachings. When asked what our purpose here ...
A Ram Dass community exploring non-ordinary states of consciousness, (psychedelics), spirituality, and science. Are you ready to step into an ...
Beware of Your Ego Masquerading as Spirit (and other pointed, personal messages from Ram Dass to me) -- with Jai ...
Topic TBA! For those who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color. BIPOC Satsang Mission Statement The BIPOC Satsang ...