Ram Dass – Here and Now – Episode 29 – Personality & Emotions

One cultivates spaciousness or awareness which allows you to acknowledge the emotions and see them as part of the human condition. Emotions are like subtle thought forms and they all arise in response to something outside yourself. They are all reactions. You cultivate a quietness in yourself that watches these emotions rising and falling and passing away.

5 thoughts on “Ram Dass – Here and Now – Episode 29 – Personality & Emotions”

  1. It’s been so long since I’ve visited the teachings of Ram Das. I’m so grateful to have found this site. I can remember years agao, handing out copies of “Be Here Now” to everyone who would take it. It’s like I never left. Namaste, dear ones, Namaste.

  2. This was a fantastic podcast! I especially found the ‘analysis’ of fear to be extraordinarily timely as I recently got myself lost in fear-ful thought patterns ie ‘what-if’ scenarios, unnecessary catastrophising, etc. I seem to have allowed myself to forget the wonderfull teachings of Ram Dass or another of my meaningfull favourites, Pema Chodron.

    What with this site and Raghu’s podcasts from the ‘Mindrolling’ site and was able to get back onto the right path. Thanks so much everyone!


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