Guided Meditation with Ram Dass
Bring your awareness to your breath. Just notice the breath. Either notice it going in and out of your nose or notice in rising and falling in the middle of your abdomen.
Pick one or the other and stay with it. Notice the breath going in. Notice the breath going out. And notice the little transition points between the in breath and the out breath, and the out breath and the in breath.
Keep your awareness focused on your breath. Let the rest of the thoughts come and go, just like tiny little insects around a light.
If you notice feelings in your body, notice them, and then let them go.
If you are thinking about what this is all about, notice that thought; let it go.
Come back to your breath. Breathing in. Breathing out. The thought that we are sitting in a school auditorium, in Orange county at a conference…a set of thoughts. Notice them. Let them go, floating by like leaves on a stream. Thinking about the future; remembering the past. Thoughts. Coming…going.
Bring your awareness back to your breath. Deeper. Quieter. Follow the breath carefully. Follow the in breath, the moment of turning, the out breath, the moment of turning. The silence in the room. Notice it. Let it go.
Come back to the breath. Breath is the focal point. It’s the primary object. The rest of the universe comes and goes. Problems come into mind. Notice them. Bring your awareness back to your breath.
That is the first method that you use in order to begin to be aware of who you are. You can do it anywhere, anytime. You don’t need beads, you don’t need priests, you don’t need ashrams. You just need your breath.
The breath is the doorway between form and formless, because between the in breath and the out breath, and the out breath and the in breath, there is the space.
Its explained here in so simple words and procedures. I have been looking for it since ages. Thanks.
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu. 🙏