Ram Dass – Here and Now – Episode 24 – Rama Rama

A guru is somebody who is a pure mirror, so pure that when you meet that being you immediately see where you are caught. Ram Dass talks about the mirror of the guru, mentioning: I know more than I understand, and I am intellectually ahead of where I am intuitively. He ends the lecture with the first chant that he brought back to the states from India in 1967.

7 thoughts on “Ram Dass – Here and Now – Episode 24 – Rama Rama”

  1. I would be very interested in your cd release of traditional kirtan. Please send me ordering information as soon as it’s available. I love the podcasts too! Brings me into such a beatiful space. Thank you for doing this.

  2. Please send me the CD on Nirayana which you mentioned on the Podcast “Rama Rama”.
    It would be wonderful if those songs he sang on the 78 records would be made availabe.

    I enjoy Krishna Das’s music, and whenever I listen to him it reminds me of Ram Das. However, Krishna Das does not sing the English bhajans that Ram Das did. There is something about the energy that I relate to from those bhajans still today. Please find a way to get his old bhajans out; they are so blissful.

    Please let me also know about the CD that you have.

    Thank you,


  3. Is the singing at the end of this podcast available for download anywhere. I search the web yesterday for a lovely Ram Chant or Rama Chant, with no success. This music is SO enchanting and has captured my soul. I would like to listen to it all the time.


  4. The way in which Ram Dass explains what a guru is and how they serve mankind in this talk is so illuminating! (@19 minutes) It’s so clear that it defines God in human form, “in the world, but not of the world” as he says. Thank you for this podcast!


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