Soul Identity

If you know you’re dreaming, can you continue to dream? That’s what the soul does – the soul appreciates that it’s a dream and that it contains the ego. If you push away the ego, if you cultivate an aversion to that dream, you’re never going to be free because there will be an attachment.

The process is realizing that you and I exist on more than one plane of awareness simultaneously and on one plane suffering stinks, and on another plane suffering is grace.

The question is, “Can you balance those two things in your consciousness?” Taken from the audio set, “Living The Mystery”


Image by David Mark from Pixabay

12 thoughts on “Soul Identity”

  1. “If you know you’re dreaming, can you continue to dream? That’s what the soul does – the soul appreciates that it’s a dream and that it contains the ego. If you push away the ego, if you cultivate an aversion to that dream, you’re never going to be free because there will be an attachment. ”

    Does than mean being able to separate the dream from the dreamer ?

  2. The impersonalists masquerade as Vedantists, but actually they are
    defying Vedanta. In the Vedanta it is clearly said, the Original Source
    of all being; in the Upanisads it is clearly said that the Supreme is
    the Supreme being of all living beings. So all the Vedas affirm it
    vehemently that the Supersoul and the soul are two different identities,
    although qualitatively one.

    • The wave is contained within and by the Ocean. Until the wave can recognize its Source as Ocean, it will have an experience of waviness and limitation. Surf’s Up!

    • The proof is Within. It’s an inside job. Willingness to experience it is the key to opening ourselves. I like what JCPenney used to say: “It’s All Inside!” 🙂

      • The problem with that is everyone thinks they have found the answer “within” and it turns out they’re just egomaniacs who *think* they have the answer. I am not interested in being another egomaniac who thinks he has the answer. The world needs no more preachers.

        I would much rather wonder about whether or not there is an answer at all, and if there is, if it’s worth discovering.

        • I don’t know what a soul is, exactly, but I sense that I have one. I enjoy wondering, and exploring the great mysteries of the soul inside myself (as well as the world and universe outside our bodies). But at the end of the day when it comes to death, I have to relent to the idea that humans are not capable of knowing what happens to our souls. I am, however, greatful for the guidance, compassion, and wisdom of great teachers like Ram Dass.

  3. What a load of crap. This is what happens when there are agenda’s and stuff to sell. Truth cannot be sold, so instead of truth, there’s an ego backdoor put in to make the stuff less hard to swallow. Not that it’s true in any way, but hey, people waste lifetimes on chasing stuff that’s not there in the first place. Selling dream-stuff aka ‘spiritual’ lies is big business. Have the cake and eat it (too). It’s never gonna happen, but there’s a lot of people out there who’s give all they have to get this fairy-tale going. And if people want to buy into this crap, who am I to judge that? There’s no I in reality but hey; believe sells, truth doesn’t, it goes the way it goes, no imperfection anywhere, so it’s all good…..

    • you just did …judge, but hey, what do you know and all is relative except the Absolute, so peace fellow traveller

  4. To those that say this is “crap”… your tone discredits your perspective for me to even begin to consider your view because you lack compassion, discretion, empathy, tolerance and wisdom when you verbally attack others’ beliefs with your word choices. Ignorance keeps us separate and stuck and, until we become willing to consider someone else’s experience as being legitimate for THEM, and open to the possibilities that, though they do not resonate with us NOW, they MAY at one point in our journey. For me, this “dream” that Ram Dass is discussing is the spiritual dance of life. It often feels like my soul and my Divine Self actually ENJOY this play of hide-and-seek. Until I had my own experience with this realization and recognized the value in the dance, to hide my self from my Self so that I could have my own experience with where I “seem” not to “be” … I was trapped in the illusion of separation from Self, self, and other self… you. With the “dream/dreamer” analogy, I woke to the Truth that I Am the Dreamer, the Dream and the Awakened Consciousness … the three…. the Trinity… and then, swiftly and miraculously, the three became the One. I move from one to the other, knowing I Am all of them. It’s a trip! And my soul thinks it is fun. Namaste.

  5. We are all on a journey of life and we are all at different places of understanding and perspective. Opinions and questions are everywhere (and especially online). Everyone has a right to their own opinion but the question is “Are your thoughts and opinions holding you back?” Finding a place of peace, letting go and acceptance is hard for many travelers we encounter on our journey. Instead of debating or fighting back, I find it best to simply observe versus react to situations or people around me. This is the practice. Happy journey to you and yours.


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