Meher Baba said it beautifully: “Love has to spring from within.” You can’t coerce it from another person, but you can be it, and it catches on. It’s very catchy. You are it, and then somebody else catches it from you. When I am centered, I can walk into any vibrational field and take it and convert it. I am just feeling love, so whatever they are giving to me – anger, paranoia, distrust – I am just taking it all in and converting it. I see the net they are stuck in, this mind net that is each person’s own model of the universe, so instead of climbing into it with them, putting both of us in it, my job is to say, “Yes, I see your net, but we are here.” Then, immediately, here we are on a new level.
All of that stuff of the mind net starts to fade to this greater force, and then it goes through everybody you meet, and they feel this fantastic force, and then when it feels pure enough, they open to it, and “they” become “us” and the force keeps passing through to others from these people that have opened it. And the more you transcend your own identity to something larger, You are able to override any other force fields, just by the nature of your being, because you aren’t so busy being you.
As you get more and more cosmic perspective, and as you get finished with any kind of finite self-definition of oneself, you are more and more energy, and then everything you do, everything you think, happens. See, it’s got to scare you how much power you get, because you begin to see how your thoughts are manifested in form. Many of you are beginning to see that already. You begin to see how you’re creating a universe. It gets very scary to me at times how it looks, how everything I think, happens; and then I realize it’s synchronicity; it’s always happening, I just haven’t noticed it. I’ve been so busy, you know… stuck somewhere else.
I want to share with you this inscription from a 16th century Norman crucifix-
I am the great son, but you do not see me.
I am your husband, but you turn away.
I am the captive, but you do not free me.
I am the captain, but you will not obey.
I am the truth, but you will not believe me.
I am the city, where you will not stay.
I am your wife, your child, but you will leave me.
I am that God, to whom you will not pray.
I am your counsel, but you do not hear me.
I am your love, whom you will betray.
I am the victor, but you do not cheer me.
I am the holy dove, that you will slay.
I am your life, but if you will not name me, fill up your soul with tears, and never blame me.
– Ram Dass
Resonates! Wow, this is the way to ‘be.’
Hi Ram Dass